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About Sections
Updated over 2 months ago

About Sections

Sections are used to organise Profile data in your account. Different brands, markets and countries should all have different Sections.

In this Article

What is a Section?

You may divide the account into Sections to best keep track of the data stored in the platform. Create Sections to make sure that the right information from your different markets is organized efficiently.

If your business has a website, the Section may contain a domain. A Section may have several domains, each one corresponding to a different country or website.

Apsis Account structure. Accounts are organised into Sections. Each Section contain Folders, that are organised into Subscriptions. Segments capture Profiles across all Sections.

Section Structure Example

A company managing multiple brands would benefit from adding each brand as a Section. And adding each brand's different domains into the Section.

This allows Section-specific data from each domain to be tracked separately, managing consent appropriately, and increasing the level of personalization and variety for each activity performed in the platform.

User Permissions

Sections allow you to set up Section permissions for users so that the right information is always in the right hands. Account Owners, Admin Users, and Regular or Restricted Users each have different levels of Section access. Visible Section permissions should be aligned with the Profile data and the activities each individual user needs to work with.

Creating a Section

Access the Section tab from the Information Centre, click Settings, in the dropdown.

This is where you create the Sections for your account.

The Sections tab will be the first one to open. If these settings are not available to you, get in touch with an Account Owner or Admin User.

New Section

1. Click New Section.

2. Enter Section name.

3. Click Add Section.

Rename Section

1. Click the Section you wish to rename.

2. On the left, select the Section Settings tab.

3. Click Rename. And enter the new name.

4. Confirm by clicking the Rename button.

Section Setup

After you create a Section, it's time to set it up. Select the Section in your Account Settings.

Within a Section, you can set up your domain, languages and integrations and locate the corresponding Tracking Script. Tracking script is found in the Domains and Language tab.

Also, you must review and adjust your data collection preferences within Data Model, as well as your Double Opt-in email and confirmation.

Hiding Section

You can choose to hide a Section from your account. This will result in all Profile data related to the Section being hidden from those Profiles, and inaccessible in any activities. Moreover, users will not be able to access or create any new activities related to or within that Section.

About Section Limits

Hiding a Section is useful when you need to prevent that Section from being used in any activities, or if you need to create a new Section.

As a hidden Section can't be used in any activities, it will not be included in your Section limits. So if your Company Plan allows five Sections and you already have five active Sections, hiding one of them will allow you to create one more active Section.

Only active Sections count towards your Section limit.

How to Hide and Unhide

1. Locate the Section you want to hide, and click the eye icon on the right side.

2. The hidden Section will then be moved to Hidden Sections, below your active Sections.

3. If you wish to move your Hidden Section back to the active Sections, click the eye icon again.

Activities created in a Hidden Section will have the Hidden Section icon next to the title when shown on the Start page.

It is not possible to edit, activate, duplicate, or rename any activity in a Hidden Section.

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