Creating New SMS
Räftegård, Elin avatar
Written by Räftegård, Elin
Updated over a week ago

Creating New SMS

In this Article

All you need to get started

  1. Subscription with consent
    Create a Subscription and choose SMS as channel.

    Add Profiles who gave their consent to this Subscription.

    Either add Profiles manually via file import or use the Forms tool to start collection consent.

  2. Register

    Register your Sender Name if you are sending from of the countries not in the list of supported countries.

  3. Credits
    Account Owners and Admin Users must refill the credits in the account in order to send SMS periodically. Make sure you have SMS credits in your Account.

And that's it! Now you're ready to create an SMS.

Create new SMS

To create an SMS, follow the five steps of the menu on the left side in the SMS tool.

1. Click Create New SMS on the SMS start page.

2. Give your SMS a working name. This name is internal and won't be displayed to your recipients.

3. If you have more than one Section on your account, expand the dropdown menu and select a Section. Click Next.

The Section will determine which Subscriptions will be available for this activity. It will not be possible to change Section for this activity.


Note: When choosing which Section you want to use for your SMS activity, please bear in mind that the Sections visible are dependent on your User role and permissions.

Next Step

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