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Form: Terms and Conditions element
Räftegård, Elin avatar
Written by Räftegård, Elin
Updated over a week ago

Form: Terms and Conditions element

The Terms and Conditions element allows you ask your visitors to accept the terms you have for signing up to your communications via your form.

While the Consent Element opts in Profiles to Subscriptions of their choice, the Terms and Conditions Element subscribes Profiles to designated Subscriptions.

In This Article

Terms and Conditions element

When using the Terms and Condition element, keep the following in mind!

The Terms and Conditions element...

  • must be mapped to at least one Subscription in a Folder

  • is a required field, meaning visitors must accept your terms in order to submit the form

  • needs to be complemented with an Input Field Element and a Submit Button to work as expected

When to use this element?

You can use this Element to request request consent for email or SMS communications. With this Element you select the Subscription your visitors can choose to opt in to.

With the Consent element on the other hand, you can provide several Subscriptions to opt in to, so the Profiles can select to sign up to the Subscriptions of their choice.

Read more about How to collect consent here, in the Create a Form article.

💡Tips! When creating a form providing several options of Subscriptions to sign up for, use a Consent element instead!

Create a Terms and Conditions field

1. Place a Terms and Condition element into the Canvas

2. Edit text directly in the Canvas.

3. Adjust colour for then checkbox is unchecked or checked. Click the arrow next to Unchecked and Checked.

4. Give the element an internal name. This will name the Row or Column in the Structure panel to the left.


In the Mapping section to the right, expand the Folder and Subscriptions dropdown menu to select where you would like to map the Profile's consent.

Select channel. If you can see the channel option, remember to pick either Email or SMS as a communication channel for gathering consent.

Note: If you are using a Consent element in the same form as a Terms and Condition element, Make sure that you don't choose the same Folder and Subscriptions for the two elements!

Double Opt-in

Keep the Audience quality high with the Double opt-in function!

Once a visitor has provided their email consent they will receive an email message where they are asked to confirm their subscription. This way you avoid collecting invalid email addresses.

Configurate Double opt-in

Before you can enable Double Opt-in for your Form, you must complete the Double Opt-in settings. If you see this message, head over to Account settings to configure Double Opt-in. Learn more here.

Enable Double Opt-in in Form

Tick Enable Double Opt-in to send an opt-in confirmation email to the Profiles that sign up via your Form.

If you leave this option unticked, the consent for all Profiles who opt-in via this Form will be automatically confirmed.

Pending Profile

Until they've confirmed their Subscription, their Profile will show their email channel consent as pending. Profiles with a Pending opt-in Email type of consent will not receive any of your sendings until they confirm their subscription.

Style, alignment and margins

Set colour for Border, Fill and Check. Enter hex code, RGB or use the colour picker. To make it transparent, click the X icon next to the color code. The color preview will be a white circle crossed with a red line.

Alignment - align the element to the left, center or right.

Margins (padding) - max 100 pixels.

💡 Tip! The design options work interactively. To change style and margin measurements, hold on to the icon and drag left and right to increase and decrease number of pixels. The sizes will change accordingly in the Canvas!

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