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Form: Checkbox element
Updated over a week ago

Form: Checkbox element

Use the Checkbox element to make it easy for your visitors to fill out your form. Include a variety of options to select from.

In This Article

Checkbox element

1. Place the Checkbox element into the Canvas.

2. Add Checkbox options in Canvas. Name the options the visitors can choose from (write directly in the Canvas).

3. Edit text with Inline editor.

4. Adjust colour for Unchecked and checked boxes with the colour picker
in the Inline editor.

5. Fill out a Checkbox name at the top of the Design panel. The name is internal and will name the Row or Column in the Structure panel to the left.

Style, alignment and margins


Adjust space between checkboxes. Set colour for border, fill and check with colour picker. Click the X icon next to the icon to make it transparent.

Margins (padding) - max 100 pixels.

Alignment - align the element to the left, center or right.

Duplicate - to copy Element, select Element in the Canvas and click Duplicate.

Activate Required field if the field is mandatory. If toggled on, visitors will not be able to submit your form without filling out this field.

💡 Tip! The design options work interactively. To change style and margin measurements, hold on to the icon and drag left and right to increase and decrease number of pixels. The sizes will change accordingly in the Canvas!


Open the Mapping section on the right. This is where you set the values that will be stored on the Profile that fills out the Form.

1. In the Data type dropdown menu, select how to store the responses. Select Attribute to save the visitors' answers as value for their Profile Attributes.

Select Form response only if you would like to collect the answers as Event data.

2. Add Option values in the Mapping section. Fill out the values under Option 1, Option 2, Option 3 etc. The value you enter here will be added to their Profile as a value for the Attribute (or Event data), when they select the corresponding checkbox in the form.

If the visitor chooses more than one option, multiple values will be added as either an Attribute or Event data, separated by commas ( , ). For example: Interests equals "Sports", "Music", "Theatre".

To only allow selection of one option, use a Radio element instead.

Results: Populated Profile

Let's have a look at the results!

This is how the responses are stored in Audience when mapped as Attribute versus as Form response only.

Stored as an Attribute

Here, the Checkbox element is mapped to a Country Attribute.

This is a Profile view in Audience of a Profile who have submitted the Form, with a new value for Country Attribute.

Stored as Form response only

If the Checkbox element instead is mapped to "Form response only", the value (Country) is saved as Event data. This data is found in Profile view under "Form & Page Interactions". Click the Submit activity in the timeline.

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