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Profile Data in Marketing Automation Nodes
Profile Data in Marketing Automation Nodes
Updated over 7 months ago

Profile Data in Marketing Automation Nodes

Depending on which node you're setting up, you'll have some or all of these available options to work with Profile data.

Especially use Profile data to tailor your flow with these three nodes. Read more about each of them by following the links.

In this Article

Use Attributes in a Flow

Use Attributes to trigger a flow on a schedule - daily, weekly or monthly. Or create personalised pathways throughout the flow.

Depending on the type of Attribute, the configuration will vary.

First name, email address, country, etc. are good examples of text Attributes. Mobile and area code are number Attributes, while date of birth is a date Attribute.

Date Attribute

In example set up a Birthday flow.

1. Choose an the date of birth Attribute from the drop-down menu in the Listen node.

When using a date Attribute choose to start the flow on the specific date or select a number of days, weeks, months or years before or after the date in the Attribute.

2. For the Birthday flow choose On birthday which mean Profiles will enter the flow on their birthday.

3. Choose if you want Profiles to enter the flow on the date every year, or only on Milestone birthdays (e.g. 40th, 50th):

Text Attribute

Use a text Attribute to trigger a flow daily or check if a Profile contains a specific value.

4. In example check if a Profiles brand preferences are equal to or contains a specific brand by choosing fromt he dropdown.

5. Enter the value the Attribute must match in order for Profiles to qualify to enter or continue the flow.

Match type from the drop-down menu (Text Attribute)

  • Equals: The value equals that which you write in the value field. In example, First Name equals "Johanna".

  • Not Equals: The value does not equal that which you write in the value field. In example, First Name "Johanna".

  • Contains: The value contains that which you write in the value field. In example: email address contains "".

  • Starts with: The value starts with that which you write in the value field. In example, Last Name starts with "J".

  • Ends with: The value ends with that which you write in the value field. In example, Last Name ends with "N".

  • Regex: This is used for regular expressions, which is a sequence of characters used to define a search pattern. However, using regular expressions is an advanced skill that requires background knowledge. Please refer to your development team, or consult a reference guide of your choice.

Number Attribute (and number with decimal)

Use a Number Attribute to trigger a flow daily or check if a Profile contains a specific value.

In example check if a Profiles shoe size is equal to or less than a specific size by choosing from the dropdown.

Match type from the drop-down menu (Number Attribute)

  • Equals: The value equals that which you write in the value field. In example, Shoe size equals "38".

  • Not Equals: The value does not equal that which you write in the value field. In example, Shoe size "38".

  • Less than: The value is lower than that which you write in the value field. In example, the Profiles Shoe size is smaller than size 38.

  • Less than or equal to: The value is lower than that which you write in the value field. In example, the Profiles Shoe size is smaller than or exactly size 38.

  • Greater than The value is more than that which you write in the value field. In example, the Profiles Shoe size is bigger than size 38.

  • Greater than or equal to The value is more than that which you write in the value field. In example, the Profiles Shoe size is bigger than or exactly size 38.

True/False Attribute

Use a True/False Attribute to trigger a flow daily or check if a Profile contains a true or false value.

In example check if a Profiles is a member of your customer club or not.


The Profile's Attribute value is True. Profiles with True as a value will qualify to enter or continue the flow. Those with False will not.


The Profile's Attribute value is False. Profiles with False as a value will quality to enter or continue the flow. Those with True will not.

Use Tags in a Flow

Use Tags to trigger a flow on a schedule - daily, weekly or monthly. Or create personalised pathways throughout the flow.

1. Choose whether you would like to listen or check for Profiles that contain a Tag under Profiles Tagged, or for those who don't under Profiles Not Tagged.

Similarly, you may choose to apply or remove Tags from Profiles in your flow. Read more about the Update Profile Node.

2. Decide if Profiles should match all or any of the applied Tags. Select an option from the dropdown.

3. Click on the dropdown to select a Tag previously created. Add as many as you want. Or create a new Tag.

To remove a Tag, click on the "x" icon on the Tag.

4. Schedule the trigger to daily, weekly or monthly.

5. Finally set the hour the flow will start.

Use Events in a Flow

Use Events to trigger a flow the moment the Event is collected or create personalised pathways throughout the flow.

💡Tip: Looking to use Custom Events? Learn more

The node will listen, check or wait for Profiles to perform an action that matches the Event you selected.

In example start a flow when a Profile performs a specific action on your website, like an order or when a Profile sign up on a form.

If you need a hand getting to know all the available Events and their corresponding Event data, take a look at this article.

1. Try to use a Website Interaction.

In example split the flow into two different pathways for Profile who have or have not visited a specific page on your website.

By choosing Website Interactions and Auto collect you will see all the events collected by the Tracking Script on your website.

2. Choose Page view in the Event dropdown.

3. Expand the Activity dropdown and select an activity from the list.

4. Expand the Match dropdown to select a specific data point from the Event, like a specific URL or link title. Read more about Event data.

Try to select url.

5. To specify what page on your website you are referring to by opening the Match Type dropdown. Try to choose Contain a specific value.

6. Enter a value for the Event data to match. In example price list.

7. Now, select how many times the Profile must have performed the event to qualify.

Tick the Within a time frame box to determine a time frame for the Event.

Enter a number under Amount, or click and drag the icon next to the input field, and select between minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years.

Use Segments in a Flow

Use Segments to trigger a flow on a schedule - daily, weekly or monthly. Or create personalised pathways throughout the flow. Profiles will qualify to enter or continue your flow based on the Segment(s) you select.

If you edit a Segment after you've selected it in a Node, the Node will automatically use the latest version of the Segment but the transition can take up to 10 minutes. Read more about Event Versions.

Note: The maximum limit for Profiles in a Segment used in Marketing Automation, is 500 00 Profiles. If exceeding this number, no Profiles will enter the flow.

1. Choose whether you would like to listen or check for Profiles that match under Segment Match, or for those who don't under Not a Segment Match.

2. Decide if Profiles should match all or any of the chosen Segments. Select an option from the dropdown.

3. Click Add included Segment to listen or check for Profiles who match, or Add excluded Segment to listen or check for Profiles who don't.

Select a Segment from the dropdown. Add as many as you like.

4. To remove a Segment, click on the "x" icon at the right end of the Segment.

5. Schedule the trigger to daily, weekly or monthly.

6. Finally set the hour the flow will start.


The Advanced is for adding a Segment directly in the node. Find the Advanced option on the bottom of a open node.

Here you can choose to include and exclude Segments as part of your node settings. This Segmentation will be applied on top of your Attribute, Tag or Event preferences, narrowing down the Profiles that enter the node or entire flow.

It's especially useful when testing a flow. In example add an internal test segment, that only contain yourself and maybe your team mates before setting it live. Read more on how to test a flow.

Note: If you edit a Segment that has been used in the Advanced settings of your node, the node will continue to work with the version of the Segment from the moment you initially activated the flow. To use the latest version of the Segment(s) you edited, stop the Marketing Automation flow and activate the flow.

Jump to Segments for a step-by-step guide to including and excluding Segments in a Marketing Automation node.

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