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Link settings
Räftegård, Elin avatar
Written by Räftegård, Elin
Updated over a week ago

Link settings

In the Email tool it's easy to add links to your website, direct your recipients to where you want them to go, and track their behavior via Google Analytics.

Here is how you set up your links!

In this Article

Basic Link settings

1. Select link text
Start by selecting link text in the Email and click the link symbol in the Inline text editor.

2. Select Link type

Choose between a Web Address, Email Address, Phone Number, Web Version, or Unsubscribe link to connect to your Element.

Choosing Email Address or Phone Number are equivalent to typing "mailto:" or "tel:" in a link.

3. Enter URL

The URL must be entered with https:// (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure).

4. Enter Link title

Want to know more about this? Jump to article about Profile Events.

Note: Make sure your links will not be redirected.

This is important for the collection of Profiles' Response Data and Website Interactions to work as expected. For example, if your website supports multiple languages via URL parameters, the language parameter must be present in your URL with the rest of the path.

If your website has a redirection from http to https, the parameters added to the link in order to identify the Profile and their event can be lost. Other cases and methods, like meta refresh or a redirection for expiration of temporary link, will cause the same effect and we advise you to avoid entirely.

Track Link

Do you want to track this link in your Email? If you want to record the response data from the Profiles who receive your Email, leave this option ticked.

To skip tracking, untick the Track link box. Subscribers who click this link will not get an "Email - Click Event" in their Profile.

Attributes as URL parameters

This feature allows you to add an Attribute (and it's value) as a parameter to specific links, for example Both default customed Attributes are available in this feature.

  1. Click on the dropdown menu and select an Attribute from the list.

2. Under Parameter, enter the URL parameter that should be added to your link.

Personalise the URL with Tags

Personalisation Tags allow you to display unique, personalised content by using a specific Attribute or Event's value.

Add an Attribute

The feature above (Attributes as URL Parameters) is about adding the Attribute (and it's value) as a parameter, for example:

However, Personalisation Tags allow you to use the value of the Attribute or Event to complete the URL. For example:

Full URL as Personalisation tag

You can also enter the full URL as a Personalisation Tag. For example:


User Example

Do you want to add an Image Element that contains a Profile's favorite product image, and you have a custom Favorite Product Image Attribute?

Add a Personalisation tag to the Image URL! Each Profile will get a different version of the Email, depending on the value of their Attribute.

How to Add Personalisation Tags

Attribute Personalisation Tags

Available in the Email Editor, whether you're coming in straight from the Email tool or from an Email Node in Marketing Automation.

Event Personalisation Tags

Available in the Email Editor whenever you're creating an email from an Email Node in the Marketing Automation tool. The Event data available will correspond with the Event chosen in the Listen node.

1. Fill in your URL as usual.

2. Locate the part in the URL where you'd like to add the Personalisation tag.

3. Type ## and select an Attribute or Event from the dropdown menu.

4. Encoding data tags
Usually parameters in links need to be encoded to be a valid URL. For example, a parameter like the name "John Smith" contains a space character which will break the URL. Encoding is done by default and will change the name in this example to "John%20Smith".

However, there could be times when you don't want the data tags encoded. For example, when the data tag is a full URL or when the data tag is already encoded. You can then untick the box "Encode data tags".

💡 Tip! Instead of scrolling inside the drop-down, you can also type the first few letters or words of your Attribute to quickly locate it.

You can also use them in the Image Element's Image URL.

Google Analytics tracking

You can add or modify Google Analytics tracking, or UTM parameters to any link in your Email.

Setting up Tracking with UTM parameters

  1. Select Link and go to Link settings
    Create a link you want to add UTM parameters, go to the Link icon in the Inline text editor. Or edit a link you already added.

  2. Tick the checkbox Enabled, to enable this specific link will be tracked. Untick to disable.

  3. Fill in or modify the UTM parameters for your link. When ready, simply continue working with your email activity!

Disable Google Analytics tracking

1. Go to Link settings, Select link and click Edit.

2. Disable tracking by unticking the checkbox Enabled.

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