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Editing your Emails
Editing your Emails

Filter, Email Start page, Reschedule, Overview

Updated over a month ago

Editing your Emails

All created Emails can be found on the Email tool start page. From here you can edit and reschedule your Emails.

In this Article

Search Emails

Drafts, scheduled and deleted

1. In the top menu, alternate between Drafts, Schedule & Sent and Templates. Deleted Emails are found in the top right corner.

2. Restore your deleted Emails by going to Deleted Emails.

3. Select Email and click Restore in the bottom bar.

Filter the Search

4. Click the filter icon on the left side of the list of Emails.

Narrow down your search by filtering on Section, user or date of editing and creation.

Edit and reschedule

Select Email you want to take action on.

The bottom bar will appear, with the options to Overview, Pause, Duplicate, Rename and Delete.

Edit scheduled Email

1. Select Email and click Pause in the bottom bar.

The Email status is then switched from "Scheduled" to "Paused".

2. Click Edit in the bottom bar to access the Email.

3. Remember to click Activate in the bottom bar after you are done with the changes!


You can set a new sending time for an already scheduled Email.

1. Select Email and click Pause in the bottom bar.

2. Go to Edit in the bottom bar to access the Email editor.

3. Proceed from the Email editor to the Schedule page and set new sending time.

4. Click Next to go o the Overview and click the Schedule button.

5. Remember to click Activate in the bottom bar after you are done with the changes!

Next Step

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