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Email Report
Räftegård, Elin avatar
Written by Räftegård, Elin
Updated over a week ago

Email Report

Use the Email Report to compare your sendings and implement again what has worked well in the past. Or why not get creative and try something different?

In this article we go through how to read the Email Report.

In this Article


Access the Email Report on the Email tool Start page, under the Scheduled & Sent tab.

Select the Email and go to Report, in the bottom bar.

Access Report

Email details

Under the Overview tab you find the basic details of the Email, such as sending time, sender information and subject line. Expand Sending to to see Subscription, Folder and settings used for the sendnig.

Navigate in the Report's left menu, to read the Email activity performance.

Below the Email details, follows the Email breakdown: the essential insights on how the Email activity performed.

Email Breakdown

The delivery rate and bouncing rate of the Email sending is presented in the circular diagram.

Opens: The total number of times Profiles opened the Email.

Unique Opens: The number of Profiles that opened the Email.

Clicks: The total number of times Profiles clicked a link in the Email.

Unique Clicks: The number of Profiles that clicked a link in the Email.

Unsubscribe: The number of Profiles that decided to opt-out through this Email.

CTOR: Click to open rate. The number of unique clicks divided by the number of unique opens. Measures the Email's content performance.

Spam: If the Email has been reported as spam, it will be reflected in this number. Was there an unsubscribe link in the Email?

Tracking: New link clicks are registered in the Report for 6 months from sending date.

Device Breakdown

Here you will see which devices Profiles used to interact with your Email.

Switch between Opens and Clicks on the top, to view the different statistics.

Recipients may open or click your email from more than one device. If a Profile opens in both Desktop and Mobile, it will be reflected in both Desktop and Mobile.

The numbers are based on interactions by Profiles who received the Email (delivered). As percentages represent unique clicks and opens, they may add up to more than 100%.

Multiple shows how many Profiles opened from more than one device.

Unrecognised devices will appear as Unknown.

Why would a Device show as Unknown?

We rely on a single pixel to recognise which device an Email is opened with. This pixel exists in each individual Email and is added automatically.

Some email clients may cache the pixel, or use a proxy. In this case, we are unable to detect which device was used to open the Email, and the Email Opens is therefore counted as an unknown device.

View Email

Switch Email view by using the Desktop, Mobile and Text buttons on the right. Under View Segment, look how the different Segments presents the Email.

Profiles Interacting with Email

The tabs: Sent, Delivered, Opens, Clicks, Bounces, Unsubscribed and Spam complaints, present the lists of Profiles according to their integrations with the Email.

Double-click a Profile in the list to jump straight into their Profile View.

If any Profiles were deleted or locked in your Audience after you sent this Email activity, you will see a message pointing out how many were deleted.

Export to view full list. A maximum of 25 Profiles will be shown on the list. To see the full list, click the Export icon on the top right ( CSV or XLSX file).

Create Segment from Report

From the Email Report activities you can create Segments. This means you can easily create a Segment matching for example: only Profiles who open the Email or only those who clicked a certain link.

Segment can be created from the tabs on the left: Sent, Delivered, Opens, Clicks, Bounces, Spam complaints and Unsubscribed.

Example: Go to the Clicks page in the left menu. In the bottom bar, click Create Segment.

You will be directed to the Segment builder in Audience, with the right conditions prepared.

Adjust the Segment if you want, by adding or removing conditions, then click Save Segment in the bottom right corner.

The created Segment is found in Audience under the Segments tab.

Read more here about the Segment builder in Audience.

Bounces and Spam complaints

It may happen in your sending that the Email do not reach the recipient or is reported as spam. These numbers are found under the Bounces and Spam complaints tabs.


A bounce means that the Email is not delivered. There are three kinds of bounces: soft, hard and technical.

Soft bounce is caused by a temporary error. For example, full inbox or receiver's server is currently too busy. The sending will be retried every hour for up to 48 hours after the initial send time.

Hard bounces are the ones to look out for! A hard bounce occurs when it was impossible to deliver the Email. Reasons could be email address do not exist, email domain does not exist or closed email account. If a hard bounce happens three (3) times for the same Profile, we will stop sending Emails to the Profile altogether.

Technical bounces occur when the email server rejects the Email due to technical errors. Reasons could be network error, SPF, DMARC or DKIM authentication error.

Spam complaints

Spam complaints in your Email Reports reflects only the number of Profiles who reported an Email as spam. Spam or spamming refers to the action of sending bulk email messages for marketing or advertising purposes without the recipients' request or consent.

Preventing Bounces or Spam complaints

Do you have high numbers of bounces or spam complaints? Bounces and spam complaints should be acted upon!

In our article Bounces and Spam complaints you learn about:

  • Bounce types

  • Preventing high bounce rate

  • Preventing Spam complaints

  • Blacklistning


  • Do not re-subscribe profiles that have unsubscribed unless you've received explicit, informed consent.

  • Do not import files with email addresses or any contact information that was provided by a third party.

  • Under any circumstance, do not harvest email addresses from websites, buy or rent email lists. It is very difficult, if not impossible, for you to prove that the individuals provided their consent to email communications, and even more so specifically to your brand's communications.

    Also, it goes against Efficy's terms of service since it will result in serious consequences including our servers being blacklisted and hurting its sender reputation (whether a sender can be trusted or not).

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