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Updated over 4 months ago


The Calendar gives an overview of the planned activities in the platform.

Let's have look at the icons in the top right corner.

With the Today button you can always quickly return to view today's date.


Use the filter icon to show only activities from certain tools. Tick on the boxes of the options you want to filter on. Click on Apply to apply your filter.

To show activities from all tools, click Clear Filters.


With the Calendar icon you can change the view from monthly to weekly. Alternate between the views by clicking the icon again.

Calendar items

In the Calendar you can see your own To-do activities as well as the activities scheduled in the tools.

User-generated Items

User-generated Items are items that you have created in the To-do list, with a due-date. Access the To-do list simply by clicking on an item.

Platform-generated Items

These items come from tools, activities, flows and actions in the platform. Like Emails and SMS.

To see Scheduled activities, click on the icons in the Calendar.

The bars represent activities that don't have a specific scheduled date but are instead an ongoing activity, like sign-up bars, cookie banners, etc.

The icons correspond with scheduled activities and To-do's. If you hover over an activity icon or bar you will see its name as a tooltip.

Click on an activity to see the details or edit the activity.

For example, by clicking on an unsent draft that you have as activity here, you will be taken to the tools editing page.

When the activity is active or has been completed, you will be taken to the reports page.

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