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Create a Cookie Banner
Updated over 3 months ago

Create a Cookie Banner

In this Article

Before You Begin

To successfully publish a Cookie Banner make sure following is in place.

How to Create a Cookie Banner

1. Head over to the Website Tool in the left menu to get started.

2. Click Create New Activity.

3. Choose the Cookie tab and select Cookie Banner.

4. Give the Cookie Banner a working name, choose the Section you are working in and select the domain you want the Cookie Banner to appear.

5. Choose between Soft Consent or Required Accept.

Soft Consent: The Cookie Banner wil be displayed and cookies will be collected as the visitor keep browsing the website.

Required Accept: The Cookie Banner will be displayed and no cookies will be collected until the visitor has accepted the terms in your cookie policy.

Note: The settings available might not meet the requirements for your market. Please make sure to check the local jurisdiction for GDPR in your region.

6. Decide where to place the Cookie Banner on your website and click Next.

7. Set the messages for the Cookie Banner.

Insert a text that explains that the website uses cookies.

Decide the wording of the accept-button for accepting the terms if you chose "Required Accept".

Add the cookie policy link and the cookie policy link text.

8. Style the Cookie banner. Adjust colours, font, and button as you like

9. Finally, run through the details of the Cookie Banner a final time before clicking Activate.

10. Find the Cookie Banner under Activated & Paused in the Website Tool.

You may visit the Report, Edit, Pause or Delete the Product View in the bottom bar.

As website visitor accept cookies Consent Events will be created for Unknown and merged Known Profiles in your Audience.

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