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About Profiles (C1)
Rikke Søndergaard avatar
Written by Rikke Søndergaard
Updated over a week ago

About Profiles

In this Article

What are Profiles?

Profiles are your subscribers, customers, contacts – individuals you are communicating with. They can be identified by their email, mobile number or in example a CRM ID – something that makes the Profile unique.

It’s up to you to decide which Unique/Profile Identifier makes most sense to use for your business. Learn more about Unique/Profile Identifier.

Profile Data

In each Profile you can store information about the profile. This data will enable you to create personalized and relevant campaigns and target your Audience.

You can store information as four types of data.

  • Attributes

  • Tags

  • Events

  • and Consent


Attributes are data fields that usually contain data such as name, location, phone number, Email address or customer status. Create as many as you need.

Default Attributes & Custom Attributes

You will find Default Attributes which created by us. The Custom Attributes you can create yourself to fit the need of your business. Learn more about Attributes.


A tag is like a label or a sticker. Add a tag to Profiles as internal markers of a specific status or with a certain source. Tag can be added or removed – not updated like Attributes.


Events is in this case not a social gathering. An event s is a piece of data that indicates an action a Profiles has performed – like a pageview on your website, a click in an email or completing a marketing Automation Flow. Learn more about Events.


Consent can be provided by an individual to track their interactions on a website or receive marketing email or SMS campaigns. The consent is stored on the Profile. Learn more about consent.


Consent is the cornerstone of data-driven marketing. Consent must be freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous; meaning that when individuals provide you with their consent, they must do so being aware of its purpose. Individuals are free to withdraw their consent at any time.

Opting-in and Opting-out

As soon a Profiles decides to give their consent (opt-in) to a Subscription you can start your marketing activities.

A profile can opt-in to any Subscriptions by giving consent to the communication and channel they are interested in. Likewise, they are free to op-out from any Subscription they subscribed to earlier.

  • Opt-in: Subscribed, provided consent.

  • Opt-out: Unsubscribed, withdrawn consent.


A Subscription is a record of Profiles who has given their consent to receive communication from you. Consent is given and removed on Profile level per Subscription per Channel.

Subscriptions and Folders are created in Audience. Learn more about Subscriptions.

Double opt-in?

Double Opt-in allows Profiles to confirm their identity and will to provide consent to a specific Email Subscription. Learn more about Double Opt-in.

Cookie Consent

By using the Tracking script, you will be able to track visitor’s behaviour on your website if they provide you with Cookie Consent. This usually happens when a visitor accepts your marketing cookies on your website. Learn more about Cookie Consent.

Profile Types

Known Profiles

Known Profiles are those who provide an email address, mobile number or you can identify with an CRM ID. Contrary to Unknown Profiles, Known Profiles are not dependent on cookie consent. If they do decide to provide cookie consent, their interactions with your website will be recorded as well.

Unknown Profiles

Unknown Profiles are those created for visitors who, despite not giving any personal or contact information, have given cookie consent. They do not contain an email address, phone number or CRM-id. They can be located in Audience by searching for the cookie ID.

They look like this, and the only thing collected is the website interactions.

The goal is to convert as many Unknown Profiles to Known as possible. When an Unknown Profiles eventually converts into a Known Profile you will benefit from all the historical data collected about the Profiles website interactions.

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