SMS Report
Räftegård, Elin avatar
Written by Räftegård, Elin
Updated over a week ago

SMS Report

Analyse how effective your campaign has been!

Note: Allow up to 10 minutes for Profile data to be available in your SMS Report.

In this Article

SMS Overview

Access the SMS Report from the SMS start page, select SMS. Go to Report in the bottom bar.

Here you find the basic details about your sent SMS activity.

In the Sending to field, click the arrow to display all your segmentation settings.

Total credits shows the number of credits the sending required.

SMS Breakdown

Here's the basic details of your SMS activity. See how many were successfully delivered and how many bounced.

Hover over the icons and rows to learn more about what every statistic means:

Clicks: The number of times any link in the SMS was clicked.

Unique: The number of Profiles that clicked a link in the SMS.

Unsubscribe: The number of Profiles that decided to opt-out through this SMS.

Read the Report

Navigate in the Report with the tabs to the left. Behind the tabs you can see the details of how your SMS activity has performed so far.

A maximum of 25 profiles will be shown on the list. Double-click them to jump straight into their Profile View, and to take a closer look at their latest response data, website interactions, Attributes, etc.


Under the Sent tab you can see how many Profiles the SMS was sent to.


Under the Delivered tab you can see how many Profiles received the SMS.


Under the Clicks tab you'll see how many Profiles clicked the links in the SMS.


How every different link performed, and their unique link IDs. The IDs can be used later for segmentation purposes, for example. Learn more about Segmentation. Under Profiles you'll see the Profiles who clicked links in the SMS.


How many bounces your SMS had, and which were the Profiles that bounced. Read more under Bounces below.


Rundown of how many Profiles unsubscribed from your communications.

Export Profiles

To see the full list, click Export on the top right. The Profiles will be downloaded in a CSV or XLSX file.



It may happen in your sendings that there is one or more SMS numbers that cause or have caused a bounce.

Soft bounce

A soft bounce is caused by a temporary error. If a soft bounce happens, the sending will be retried every hour for up to 48 hours after the initial send time. No further action will be taken.

Hard bounce

Hard bounces are the ones to look out for!

A hard bounce occurs when it was impossible to deliver the SMS, for example the number is incorrect. If a hard bounce happens 3 times, there will be no future attempt to message the recipient(s). Consequently, hard bounces will affect the total count of your SMS messages.

Re-engage inactive Profiles

You can create Segments from the SMS Report of any of your activities.

For example, if you wanted to check-in with recipients who didn't engage with a specific SMS, you can try to send them an SMS reminder or reach out to them via Email.

The Segment would include the Profiles who opened your SMS, and it can be saved and used directly, or serve as a starting point for a new Segment.

Afterwards, you can exclude the Segment in the Send to step of your reminder Email or SMS, and check-in with your recipients in another channel! Only those who didn't open your SMS would receive the reminder.

Create Segment

To create a Segment from a Report, go to the Sent, Delivered, Clicked, Bounced or Unsubscribed tabs on the left.

Click Create Segment in the bottom bar.

This will direct you to the Segment builder.

Learn more about how to make a Segment.

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