Form: Action

Double opt-in, Share form

Räftegård, Elin avatar
Written by Räftegård, Elin
Updated over a week ago

Form: Action

After creating a Form, it's time to set up your Form Action. Meaning, what will happen after filling in and submitting your form.

Depending on your strategy, you might want to lead them to a specific landing page, URL or display a confirmation message.

In this Article

Submit button action

On the Form Action page, select in the dropdown menu what type of action your Submit button will perform.

Display Message: Enter the text for the headline and message to be displayed.

Go to Page: Expand the Select activity dropdown menu and select an existing Page activity from the list.

Go to URL: Enter the URL you wish to redirect the visitor to. This URL will be collected as part of the Form - Submit Event in the Profile.

If you choose Go to URL, you will see a dropdown with the Advanced Link Settings.

These settings allow you to add Attributes as parameters to the URL where your visitor is directed after submitting. For example, if you have a specific landing page for visitors who live in Sweden, you can use their Country Attribute to direct them to the right place.

Expand the Attribute dropdown menu, select an Attribute and enter a parameter in the Parameter input field.

Double opt-in

If your Form has Double opt-in enabled, you can choose the page where your subscribers are redirected once they confirm their subscription.

Enter the web address in the URL input field.

Double opt-in is enabled in the Terms & Conditions and Consent elements. Read more about Double opt-in.

Profile check

Now it's time to choose what happens when a Forms & Pages activity is submitted by a visitor that matches an existing Profile in your account.

Expand the Profile Check dropdown to set up how your Form handles existing Profiles.

Block and show message

This will reject the Forms & Pages activity, show a message of your choice to the visitor, and send a Reject Event to the Profile.

If you choose to block overwriting Profiles, enter the message that will be visible to visitors in the Message text box:


Block if Profile has CRM ID

This will reject the Forms & Pages activity, show a message of your choice to the visitor, and sent a Rejected because CRM ID was set Event to the Profile.

Allow Profile overwriting

This option will allow the Profile to be updated with the data from the Form.

If You Allow Profile overwriting

When a new Known Profile is created by a Form, we will automatically merge this Profile with the Profile that already exists in your Audience - if the email address or mobile number matches (Email or Mobile Attribute). The result is complete, enriched Profiles that contain all their corresponding data!

After setting up Action for your Form, proceed to Overview and share to see how you can distribute your Form.

Next Step

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