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Creating Dynamic Assets

Email Dynamic Assets

Räftegård, Elin avatar
Written by Räftegård, Elin
Updated over a week ago

Creating Dynamic Assets

Dynamic assets contain placeholders. The placeholders will be populated with data from an external source, like a product feed. We support JSON, XML or RSS.

In this Article

Create new Dynamic asset

1. Click the Create New Asset button on the Email start page.

2. Name the Asset.

This name is only for internal purposes. We recommend that you give your Assets as descriptive names as possible so that users in your account can locate the right Asset.

Click Next.

3. Choose Dynamic as type of Asset.

4. Design the Dynamic asset

Create your Dynamic asset with the Elements in the Design panel to the right.

Learn more about the Design elements here.

The Editor does not include the Segmentation and Google Analytics settings when creating Assets.

Remember to look over Settings and Preview in the bottom bar.

Note: Certain browser extensions may interfere with the Editor. In that case, disable your browser extensions and refresh the page.

5. Add placeholders

Placeholders can be added into all Elements, like inside a Text Element, as the URL for an Image Element, or the link inside an Element: Simply type it in!

Loop settings

When creating a Dynamic asset you can adjust the Loop settings in the Row settings of your Asset. To see the Row Settings, select Row in the Structure Panel, to the left.

Expand the Loop dropdown menu, to the right.

Adjust your Asset's sequence settings.

Rows with active Loop settings will show in orange in the Structure Panel, with a special Loop icon:

Root level items

Tick the Use root level items checkbox for the Asset to pick only the content on the root level and ignore nested content. If you wish to work with the nested content, leave this checkbox unticked.

Nested Content

When working with nested content, you'll have to specify which property the Asset should locate the items to display.

Under Property, Enter the name of the property as it is in your source file. This field is case sensitive.

Number of items

To determine how many items the Dynamic asset should pick from the file, enter a number under Number of items. You can choose to limit the Asset to the first or last number of items with the icons next to the input field.

For best results, enter a number of items that can be evenly divided by the number of placeholders in your Asset. If the number of sequence placeholders is less than the number of items, the Asset will continue the sequence regardless and create a new empty row.


An Asset with...

  • two placeholders: for example ##{{}} and ##{{}}

  • with 3 items in Loop settings

...will result in four items:

The third and fourth item in a new row, and the fourth item being an empty string).

Tracking with Google Analytics in Assets

When you add the Asset to an Email, it will gain the Google Analytics settings you applied in the bottom bar (since these apply to the entire Email).

As to Dynamic assets, when fetching content on send-out, Google Analytics settings applied in the bottom bar will be used in all links in the Asset.

Read more about how to set up Google Analytics for your Email.

If you're creating an Asset from the Assets tab, you will not see the Google Analytics settings in the bottom bar.


Review the settings by clicking Asset Settings in the bottom bar.

Edit the name for your Asset under Name (internal only)*.

Under Description, Enter a description for your Asset. This text will be shown in the Assets tab, and will make it easier for you and the rest of the users in your account to navigate among the Assets.


Click Preview in the bottom bar to see how your Asset will be displayed in the Email.

You will still see the placeholders in the preview. Jump to this article to read more about placeholders and sources.

Once you add the Asset into the Canvas, you will be able to enter the source URL and work with the content that is fed into the Email.


To save your Asset, click Finish in the bottom bar.

When you add a Dynamic asset into an Email draft, you'll see some options where you can add the URL of your source file. Learn more about using Dynamic assets.

Next Step

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