Different Ways of Exporting Profile Data
Our public API provides multiple ways of exporting profile data. Depending on your scenario, you can pick:
Email Report
Profile Data Export
Profiles in Segment Report
In this short demo we will compare the first two features.
The following sections describe these functionalities in more detail and provide demos to explain how to use them.
Getting started?
If you're new to the Apsis One API be sure to check out our getting started guides.
Profile Data Export
As an integration developer, you are able to request and download profile data from a specific segment. This data includes attributes, tags, events and topic assignments.
The export file is a compressed JSON and is meant for developers who prefer structured data.
Let's look at how to use Profile Data Export in detail.
Read more on Profile Data Export API reference page.
Email Report
The Apsis One API allows you to request and download a report of email events decorated with selected attributes and tags. You can also specify the segment and time range of interest.
This feature is meant for marketers who are used to BI tools and prefer tabular format hence the report file is a CSV.
Here's a closer look at how to use Email Report.
To find out more visit the Email Report API reference page.
Profiles in Segment Report
The Apsis One API allows you to request and download a report that contains the profiles from a specified segment. You can also select attributes and tags which you want to be included in the report file.
This feature is meant for marketers who are used to BI tools and prefer tabular format hence the report file is a CSV.
Here's a closer look at how to use Profiles in Segment Report.
To find out more visit the Profiles in Segment Report API reference page.
Per region host names
Apsis One API is provided under different host names depending on your region. For EU use https://api.apsis.one/ and for APAC call https://api-apac.apsis.one/.
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