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Rikke Søndergaard avatar
Written by Rikke Søndergaard
Updated over a week ago

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Take a look at our Release Notes

Forced Transport Layer Security

In APSIS One, sending done with the Marketing Automation tool is already sent with forced TLS encryption by default. APSIS One requires at least TLS 1.2.

Sending done through the Email tool have TLS encryption as the default standard. But if the recipient mail server doesn't support TLS encryption, then the mail will be delivered unencrypted.

If you dont want the mail to be delivered unencrypted, you can request that all your sendings are sent through channels (specific mail server accounts) that are configured to require TLS encryption - making the TLS encryption forced.

All you need to do is to let our Support Team know and we will enable the forced TLS encryption for you.

In some jurisdictions the GDPR regulations call for a higher level of security when you send emails. Therefor you can decide to enable forced encryption for your regular email campaigns too.

Integration Page

When have moved integrations to the left side menu and given the page an updated look and feel.

Change in the order of the steps in Email wizard

In preparation for the upcoming Split test feature we are doing a small change in the order of the steps in the email wizard. From now on the user will choose who to send the email to before adding details.

Change in the Login flow and navigation

We are making a small change to the Login flow that will allow us to provide a requested SSO feature. (We will publish more information about the SSO feature in due time.)

We have split filling in the email and password fields into two steps. The new login pages otherwise behave the same as before, but they look like this:

Step 1

Step 2

We need to make this change because we need to be able to check if SSO has been enabled for the domain that is used for the email address logging in.

We have also made a change to the navigation that will let you navigate the platform with fewer clicks.

Form Tool improvement

We have added a new feature in Form Tool that will make it easier to add many options in one single operation. Flip the bulk option on from the right side menu

New design on Tool page

Our Tool pages got a small make over but features remain the same.

Design improvements does not stop here. Next is releasing a new navigation that will let you navigate the platform with less clicks. More to come on timeline.

Where did the chat option go?

We found an even better place for it in the top menu where it doesnt hide important options in the Editor. Enjoy

LeadFamly: New third-party integration is live!

As APSIS One grows, so does your opportunity to create memorable email marketing campaigns that'll leave a lasting impression on your Audience.

Connect LeadFamly campaigns with APSIS One

New Year, new look. We've rebranded!

Still the same digital marketing expertise, but with a brand new look. Digital marketing evolves and so do we. Head over to and be among the first to check it out!

Sleeknote: Our latest third-party integration is live!

As APSIS One grows, so does your opportunity to create memorable email marketing campaigns that'll leave a lasting impression on your Audience.

Connect Sleeknote with APSIS One and double your subscriber list, convert prospects into sales, track website interactions, and so much more!
Curious to read more? Find answers to all your questions in our Why? article, then head to Use Cases for inspiration.

New: Fine-tune user access in your APSIS One account!

User roles and permissions are live! Each role has different levels of Section access and tool permissions. The right data will always be in the right hands.

With these new settings, you can adjust Section access to Restricted Users. So, if you're an Account Owner, head over to your Account Settings to review your different users' access and permissions.

To learn more about User roles and permissions, head over to this article.

Highlight: Presenting the new ways to capture and target the customer journey

We have just moved APSIS One Website Tool Auto-Collect to your Account Settings for an improved user experience, and introduced two new features to help you to track behavioural data and enrich the Profiles in your Account. Read more...

Did you previously have Auto-Collect enabled?

Unless you want to turn on Tracking for LinkedIn and external links, you don't need to adjust your domain's settings. Your Auto-Collect setup is converted to Tracking in your domains. Read more about Tracking...

Google Analytics: Add UTM parameters to your emails

Google Analytics: Easy enablement of UTM parameters now helps you attribute conversions to your different marketing channels in the customer journey.

Read more about this feature here...

Dynamic Assets: How to automate content production in Email Marketing

Working with content can involve some tedious and repetitive tasks. What if there was a way to feed content from an external data source into your marketing emails? Let's have a closer look at a new feature in APSIS One called Dynamic Assets.

A Dynamic Asset fetches content (images and text) from an external URL containing an XML, JSON or RSS file, and adds that content to your email. Whenever there's an update to the content in the URL, the content within the email changes too.

Adding fresh content to your emails becomes as easy (and rewarding) as a simple drag and drop.

Check out the video above to see how a Dynamic Asset fetches a list of products from an external XML, JSON or RSS and adds the content to the email.

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