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Subscribe a Profile to a Subscription with the APSIS One API
Subscribe a Profile to a Subscription with the APSIS One API
Rikke Søndergaard avatar
Written by Rikke Søndergaard
Updated over a week ago

How to Subscribe a Profile to a Subscription

This guide will show you how to subscribe a Profile to a Subscription inside a Folder for email communications, by specifying the Email Keyspace and corresponding Profile Key (email address).

To subscribe a Profile to a Subscription we'll need the following.

  • Valid Section from the APSIS One account

  • Valid Folder from the Section

  • Valid Subscription from the Folder

  • The Email Keyspace

  • A Profile Key for the Email Keyspace, an email address.


Start by fetching the Section:

Per region host names

APSIS One API is provided under different host names depending on your region. For EU use, for APAC call

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer '

A successful call will return the following JSON object.

  "items": [
      "discriminator": "usercreated.sections.apsis_data-huid9arn25",
      "name": "APSIS Data",
      "description": null

Then fetch the Folder from the Section.

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer '

A successful call with the full Folder will look like this.

  "items": [
      "discriminator": "usercreated.targets.all_profiles-5dwg9vo4f1",
      "name": "All Profiles",
      "description": null

Proceed to get the Subscriptions from a Folder you got previously from the Section.

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer '

A successful call will return the following JSON object.

  "items": [
      "discriminator": "usercreated.topics.jeans-zz8xl5pcnp",
      "name": "Jeans",
      "description": null
      "discriminator": "usercreated.topics.jacket-ishl98sfdi",
      "name": "Jacket",
      "description": null
      "discriminator": "usercreated.topics.sweater-ufm96dn2e8",
      "name": "Sweater",
      "description": null
      "discriminator": "usercreated.topics.accessories-djf83475r7",
      "name": "Accessories",
      "description": null

The next step is to associate the Profile with the Subscription. This Subscription, of course, from the Folder in the Section we're working with.

For this example, we'll use:

  • The standard Email Keyspace:

  • The Profile Key:

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer ' \
  --data '{"consent_list_discriminator":"usercreated.targets.all_profiles-5dwg9vo4f1","topic_discriminator":"usercreated.topics.jeans-zz8xl5pcnp"}'

A successful call with return a HTTP 201 Created status code with the following JSON object.

  "id": "dXNlcmNyZWF0ZWQudGFyZ2V0cy5hcHNpc19kYXRhLWplZjZwM2M2M2NfdXNlcmNyZWF0ZWQudG9waWNzLnRlc3QtbzVubTZwdjcycQ==",
  "consent_list_discriminator": "usercreated.targets.all_profiles-5dwg9vo4f1",
  "topic_discriminator": "usercreated.topics.jeans-zz8xl5pcnp"

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