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Add Consent to a Profile with the APSIS One API
Add Consent to a Profile with the APSIS One API
Updated over 4 months ago

How to Subscribe a Profile to a Subscription

This guide will show you how to add consent to a Profile.

To add consent you need the following:

  • Valid Section from the APSIS One account

  • Valid Subscription from the Folder

  • Subscription channel

  • Keyspace

  • A Profile Key for selected Keyspace

We recommend also to provide Source of the consent (field is not required)

About Consent

If a profile wants to receive communication regarding a specific topic over a specific channel (email or SMS), they must first give consent. The consent information is saved in APSIS One on a Profile level along with the topic and the channel the consent is given for.

The following consent types are supported by APSIS One:

  • opt-in - profile permits communication

  • opt-out - profile forbids any communication

  • pending-opt-in - communication permission waits for the profile to confirm it (not supported by APSIS One API yet)

  • confirmed-opt-in - profile permits communication which they also confirmed (not supported by APSIS One API yet)

Confirming the consent, also known as double opt-in, is usually done via a link in an email that is sent to the profile.

Create a Consent

Create a profile consent of a specific type regarding a given topic over a selected channel. Provide a reason for consent. Optionally, specify the source of consent which we'll default to One API if not provided.

Profile is identified by keyspace discriminator and profile key. Topic is identified by section discriminator and topic discriminator.

HTTP response status codes specific to this endpoint:

  • 200 - no changes to profile consent were needed

  • 204 - profile consent was changed

  • 409 - transition from current to desired profile consent type is not supported (mostly happens for double opt-in)

Subscribing a Profile

Subscribing a Profile to your communication is done in the following order:

  1. Create a profile consent of a specific type regarding a given Subscription/Topic over a selected channel.

Note: Once you have added a Subscription to a Profile and Consent has been created, it can take up to 15 minutes before that Profile is visible in the APSIS One UI.

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