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Counter Node
Rikke Søndergaard avatar
Written by Rikke Søndergaard
Updated over a week ago

Counter Node

Set limits to the number of profiles that get to proceed in a marketing automation flow.

In this Article

About Counter Node

The counter node is useful for sticking to a marketing budget. For example, setting limits to SMS send outs or limiting the number of profiles that claim a discount code.

Each time a profile enters the counter node, a number is added to the yes path and aggregates the value until the limit is reached. When the limit is reached, profiles are sent down the no path.

Setting up the Node

1. Drag the node into the canvas and click it to open it up and see all the available options.

2. Set a limit between 1 to x.

Note: Each time a profile enters the counter node, a number is added to the yes path and aggregates the value until the limit is reached. When the limit is reached, profiles are sent down the no path.

3. Set an optional reset period for the counter so that the user can specify if and how often the counter should be reset.

4. Tick the reentry box to allow the same profile to enter the yes path of the node more than once during the reset period.

Note: Timezone follows the time zone set in the flow setting

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