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Create an API Key
Rikke Søndergaard avatar
Written by Rikke Søndergaard
Updated over a week ago

Create an API Key

In this Article

How to Add an API Key

1. Head over to Settings, by clicking User Icon in the top right corner.

2. Click on the API Management tab.

3. Click Add API Key.

4. Give the API key a name.

4. Click Copy Secret to copy and save the Client ID and Secret key in a safe place.

Note: The Secret key will only be shown once.

5. Done? Click Close.

How to Rename an API Key

1. Click on the API Key you want to rename. On the Bottom bar, click Rename.

3. Enter your API key's new name under API Key name.

4. Click Rename to save your changes. Otherwise, Cancel.

How to Delete an API Key

1. Click on the API Key you wish to delete. On the Bottom bar, click Delete.

3. Are you sure you want to delete? If yes, click Delete. Otherwise, Cancel.

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