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Double Opt-in
Rikke Søndergaard avatar
Written by Rikke Søndergaard
Updated over a week ago

Double Opt-in

Double Opt-in adds an additional step to the email subscription opt-in process, requiring a Subscriber to verify their email address and confirm interest.

In this Article

About Double Opt-in

Double Opt-in allows you to confirm the subscription of those Profiles who opt-in to your communications by providing their Email consent.

Note: Profiles that opt-in via a form without Double Opt-in enabled, are subscribed via the File Import Wizard or any other sources, will gain regular Opt-in as opposed to Confirmed Opt-in when Double Opt-in is enabled.

Once a visitor has provided their consent, and depending on your Form's messaging and Terms & Conditions or Consent Element, they will receive an email message where they are asked to confirm their subscription.

This email will lead them to a landing page where they can confirm their subscription and then back to your website, promoting a successful Profile Merge if it happens in the same device and/or browser.

Until Subscribers have confirmed their subscription, their Profile will show their email channel consent as pending.

Profiles with a Pending Opt-in Email type of consent will not receive any sendings until they confirm their subscription.

How to Enable Double Opt-in

1. Head over to Settings by clicking the Profile Icon in the top right corner.

2. Select the Section you want to enable Double Opt-in for.

3. Choose the Double Opt-in tab in the left menu.

In the Double Opt-in tab of your Section you can customize your Double Opt-in email and confirmation page.

4. Enter a Subject Line, Pre-Header Text, as well as the Sender Details for the Double Opt-in email and the title for the Confirmation Page.

This is the first email Subscribers receive once they sign up. Adjust the email's details, sender information and the email's design so that it's recognized instantly by the recipients.

5. Once done with your email details and design, click Save to enable Double Opt-in.

6. We recommend that you go through the email and confirmation page design.

Double Opt-in Email

Email Design

We have already created a template but recommend that you go through the email and confirmation page design

Preview existing Double Opt-in email design, and make any changes you like.

1. Click Preview or Edit to take a look at your Double Opt-in email.

2. Create the design for your business. Learn more about how to use the Email Editor.

Email Opt-in Link

For your Double Opt-in email to work as intended you must include an Opt-in Link.

This is the link subscribers must click to reach a confirmation page where they can confirm their subscription. Make the link easily accessible in all devices to ease the sign-up journey.

1. You may add an Opt-in Link to most of the Elements available in the Design Panel.

Use the Element Settings, or via the Inline Text Editor as shown below:

2. Choose Opt-in from the dropdown.

3. Click Save.

Email Preview

In Preview, you can see how your Double Opt-in email looks like. Toggle the desktop, mobile and text version of your email to make sure it will work perfectly in all devices.

Confirmation Page

Recipients will see this page once they click the link in your Double Opt-in email.

By clicking the button on this page, subscribers can confirm their subscription to your communications. After confirming their subscription, they will be redirected back to your website automatically.


1. Enter a title for the confirmation page.

This is the title that will be displayed in the browser when the subscriber reaches the confirmation page.

Confirmation Page Design

2. Click Edit to adjust the page's content and its design.

3. Create the design for your business. Learn more about how to use the Editor.

Confirmation Opt-in Link

4. For your Confirmation page to work as intended you must include an Opt-in Link.

This is the link that your subscribers must click in order to confirm their subscription, so make sure that it stands out and that it's easily accessible in all devices. After clicking this link, they will gained a Confirmed Opt-in type of consent, and will be redirected to your website.

You may add an opt-in link to most of the Elements available in the Design Panel, either via the Element Settings as shown in the image above, or via the Inline Text Editor as shown below:

5. Choose Opt-in from the dropdown.

6. Click Save.

Confirmation Page Preview

In Preview, you can see how your confirmation page looks like.

7. Toggle the desktop, mobile and text version to make sure it will work perfectly in all devices.

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