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Custom Events
Updated over 2 months ago

Custom Events

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Custom Events

With Custom Events you can tailor exactly what events is collected and stored in Profiles, providing a richer overview of how Profiles are interacting with your brand.

So if you want to know when a booking was made, when an order is created, and any other Events related to your Profiles, create a Custom Event that suits your purpose.

There are three ways to work with Custom Events: via the API, by installing a Web Snippet or using the Custom Events Editor (No coding required)

Event Categories

We have made three default categories of Custom Events, making it much easier for you to group them according to their purpose and your strategy; Transactions, Conversions and Signals.


Use Transaction Events to log transactions that are useful to build personalised and automated customer journeys. For example service aspects like forgotten password requests, satisfaction surveys, post-purchase product reviews, etc.


Use Conversion Events to keep track of how your Leads advance in their customer journey.

These Events are useful to record a history of meaningful shifts in your customer lifecycle, such as a visitor becoming a customer by making a purchase or a customer advancing into a higher loyalty tier.


Use Signal Events to gather information about your visitors or customers' meaningful interactions. These Events can keep track of specific actions visitors do in your website, like voting in one of your website's polls or answering a survey.

Create a Custom Event

There are three ways to work with Custom Events: via the API, by installing a web snippet or using the Custom Events Editor (No coding required).

Locate Custom Events in the Data Model

To get started head over to the Sections Data Model.

1. Click the Profile Icon in the top right corner and choose Settings.

2. Choose the Section you want to work with.

3. Select Data Model in the left menu and go to Custom Events.

4. Choose which Custom Event Category you want to create; Transactions, Conversions, and Signals.

5. Click the Add New to get started.

6. Name the Custom Event. This will be visible when choosing the Event for future use.


What is a Data Field?

Events are indications that a Profile has performed an action. All Events contain their specific Event Data, which adds extra information about how the event was performed.

A Custom Events may contain as many as 100 different different fields that describe the Event in detail.

All Custom Events have a Source Field where you need to add information about where this Event is coming from. Example Website, API, My Page, Checkout etc.

Let's add some Data Fields for your Event.

7. Under Field Name, enter the name of the Data Field. By default, you'll see some pre-made fields when you create a new custom Event.

8. Expand the Field Type drop-down menu and pick which type of value you wish to map to the field name. Choose between Text, True/False, Date (in pilot), Time stamp (in pilot) Number or Number with decimals.

9. To delete a field, click the X icon on the right of the field.

10. To add more fields, click Add New Field.

11. Remember to Save.

Advanced: Allowed Operations

This setting only applies to operations performed by the API and Integrations. It is intended to give you control over which identifiers can be used to read or write Profile data by external systems.

For example, you can adjust these settings to keep third party systems from reading sensitive Profile data by disabling the read permission for the email identifier linked to your third party system.

12. Click the envelope, mobile or CRM icon to expand and choose an option.

13. Click Save.

Congratulations on creating a Custom Event! The Event will be displayed under the type of Custom Event you chose.

Custom Events: Web Tracking

Once you save a Custom Event you will be able to enable Web Tracking.
This will generate a code snippet you can install on your website to track the Event.

Edit a Custom Event

Before you begin

Once you create a Custom Event, the Event will have a unique version ID. If you later edit a Custom Event, it will gain a new version and you will have the option to select which version of the Event you wish to use in the marketing activities. Read more about Event Versions.

Note: After you edit and save s Custom Event, editing will temporarily be disabled for one hour. Therefore make all the changes necessary before you click Save, as you will have to wait 1 hour before you can make additional changes.

An edited Custom Event cannot be used until one hour after it has been modified.

1. Locate the Event you wish to edit and click the three dots in the top right corner, and then click the pencil icon.

3. Edit your Event and remember to Save the changes.

Hide Custom Events

Hidden Custom Events will not appear in Profiles and any activities within your account, but they will not be deleted. Hiding an Event cannot be undone.

1. Locate the Custom Event you wish to hide and click the eye icon.

2. Are you sure you want to proceed? This action cannot be undone.

Click Hide to confirm.

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