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About the Playable Integration
Rikke Søndergaard avatar
Written by Rikke Søndergaard
Updated over a week ago

About the Playable (former LeadFamly) Integration

Connect Playable with APSIS One to collect and manage new subscribers. Build Segments based on individual campaign engagement, and create Marketing Automation flows to target subscribers with relevant, timely offers.

In this Article

Why Integrate with Playable

Obtaining visitor consent and collecting data is only one side of the coin. Marketers need to follow up.

This is where integrating your Playable account with APSIS One will help elevate your email marketing efforts.

Integrating will automatically transfer all the valuable data you've collected with Playable directly into your Audience, enriching your data, and expanding the opportunities to create memorable, successful marketing campaigns.

With APSIS One and Playable, you can...

  • Collect more email addresses
    Expand your subscribers list and Audience data, and use consent data in real time.

  • Track website interactions
    As Profiles merge, track website interactions and gain a more in-depth overview of how your subscribers and website visitors are interacting with your brand.

  • Increase sales
    Convert prospects into sales and watch conversion rates increase as you communicate with new subscribers about what they're interested in.

  • Nurture loyalty
    Follow up with new subscribers with smart, Segmented Marketing Automation Flows, and let both prospects and customers know you're there for them.

  • Personalize communication
    A better customer experience starts with personalization - use Playable campaign IDs to target your subscribers with relevant content that they've given consent to receive.

  • Create memorable campaigns
    Engage prospects with creative, memorable gamification campaigns, and leverage the data collected for future campaigns.

How the Playable integration works

Integrating will automatically transfer all the valuable data you've collected with Playable directly into Profiles in APSIS One.

Map Campaign Fields directly to APSIS One Profile Attributes.

Head over to this article to learn how to enable the integration in APSIS One.

Follow Playable's guide to learn how to map the Campaign Fields.

Use cases for the Playable integration

Let's take a look at some of the ways our APSIS One users are getting the most out of their integration with Playable.

Use the Playable Campaign ID to Elevate your Communications

Following up on Playable leads is easy with APSIS One Marketing Automation.

Each and every Playable game campaign has it's own unique Campaign ID - use this in APSIS One to create handy Segments that represent your new subscribers and which Playable campaign they interacted with, and target them with personalised messages that are designed to capture their interest!

360 Profile Views to Follow the Customer Journey

Whether first time visitors, returning subscribers, or repeat customers, connecting Playable with APSIS One let's you be there every step of the way for all your users.

Integrating Playable means that the wealth of Profile data you have on each subscriber is enriched with each and every interaction. Once your new subscribers have given consent for your communications, their APSIS One Profile will be upgraded with invaluable Events and Response Data each time they interact with your brand, and each time they fill in a Playable form.

Gain insights into how your Playable integration is working, track each interaction, and transform all these data points into into eye-catching emails that will hopefully convert your subscribers into loyal customers!

Create MA Flows to Nurture New Playable Leads

Nurture your subscribers and turn browsers into loyal customers that will keep on returning. Reward Subscribers support by keeping them engaged with content that is relevant to them.

Use Profile data and browsing behavior to see how subscribers are interacting with your brand, and create nurture flows that are designed to retain your subscriber's loyalty.

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