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Magento Profile Data Overview
Rikke Søndergaard avatar
Written by Rikke Søndergaard
Updated over a week ago

Profile Data Overview

Here's an overview of the data collected by Magento and fed into APSIS One once you've set up the integration. Once mapped and synced use it in APSIS One to start a flow or create segments.

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Magento Attributes

The Magento Integration tracks the following Attributes.

Magento: Customer

  • Gender: The gender of the customer. Text value.

  • Last Review Date: The date the last review was left by the customer. The date format currently supported is Unix time.

  • Billing Address Line 1: The first line of the billing address. Text value.

  • Billing State/Region: The state or region of the billing address. Text value.

  • Billing Company: The name of the billing company. Text value.

  • Abandon Cart Token: The unique token created for abandoned carts. Text value.

  • Created At: The date the customer was created. The date format currently supported is Unix time.

  • Last Logged in Date: The date the customer last logged in. The date format currently supported is Unix time.

  • Review Count: The number of reviews created by the customer. Number value.

  • Billing Address Line 2: The second line of the billing address. Text value.

  • Billing Country: The country of the billing address. Text value.

  • Delivery City: The city of the billing address. Text value.

  • Delivery Postcode: The postcode of the delivery address. Text value.

  • Title: The honorific title of the customer (Mr, Ms, Miss, etc.). Text value.

  • Customer ID: The ID of the customer. Number value.

  • Customer Group: The customer group to which the customer belongs. Text value.

  • Billing City: The city of the billing address. Text value.

  • Billing Postcode: The postcode of the billing address. Text value.

  • Billing Telephone: The telephone number of the billing address. Number value.

  • Delivery Address 1: The first line of the delivery address. Text value.

  • Delivery State: The state of the delivery address. Text value.

  • Delivery Telephone: The telephone number of the delivery address. Number value.

  • Delivery Company: The name of the delivery company. Text value.

  • Delivery Address 2: The second line of the delivery address. Text value.

  • Delivery Country: The country of the delivery address. Text value.

Magento: Common

  • Website Name: The name of the website associated with the Customer/Subscriber's Profile. Text value.

  • Store Name: The name of the store associated with the Customer/Subscriber's Profile. Text value.

  • Store ID: The ID of the store associated with the Customer/Subscriber's Profile. Number value.

  • Website ID: The ID of the website associated with the Customer/Subscriber's Profile. Number value.

Magento: Subscriber

  • Status Change At: The date that the status was changed. The date format currently supported is Unix time.

  • Subscriber ID: The ID of the subscriber. Number value.

  • Subscriber Status: The status of the subscriber. Text value.

Magento Events

Events are logged into APSIS One Profiles when visitors or customers perform an action related to the stores in the Magento account integrated with APSIS One.

Customer Events

Abandoned Cart

The Profile has exited the website without purchasing the items they placed in the cart. By default, integration logs the Abandoned Cart Event after 15 minutes. You can adjust this time period in the integration's settings.

The profile must exist as either a subscriber or a customer in order for the abandoned cart to be registered and it will be even if the profile is not signed in. Here are the types of data associated with this Event:

  • Cart ID: The ID of the cart in Magento.

  • Customer ID: The ID of the customer in Magento.

  • Created at: The date the Abandon Cart Event was created. The date format currently supported is Unix time.

  • Website Name: This the the name of the website associated with the Event.

  • Grand Total Amount: Refers to the total cost of the goods left in the cart. A number with decimals.

  • Items Count: This is the number of items left in the cart.

  • Currency Code: Refers to the three letter currency code of the items left in the cart. The currency code format is currently supported by ISO-4271, "SEK" or "DKK" for example.

Abandoned Cart Product

This Event is triggered when a customer or subscriber has abandoned their cart and contains data from the abandoned cart. By default, Magento logs the Abandoned Cart Event after 15 minutes. You can adjust this time period in your Magento account. Here are the types of data associated with this Event:

  • Cart ID: The ID of the cart in Magento.

  • Product ID: This is the ID of the product in Magento.

  • SKU: This is the Product Stock Keeping Unit, the unique alphanumeric code associated with the product.

  • Name: Refers to the name of the product.

  • Product URL: Refers to the URL of the product associated with the Event.

  • Product Image URL: Refers to the URL of the image of the product associated with the Event.

  • Qty Ordered: This is the quantity of the products left in the cart. A number with decimals.

  • Price Amount: Refers to the product price per unit. A number with decimals.

  • Row Total Amount: If the customer carted more than one piece of this product, the total price for all pieces of the product carted. A number with decimals.

Wishlist Product

This Event is triggered when a customer adds a product to their wish list. Here are the types of data associated with this Event:

  • Wishlist ID: This is the ID of the wish list created in Magento.

  • Wishlist Item ID: This is the ID of the item located in the wish list.

  • Wishlist Name: Refers to the name of the wish list.

  • Customer ID: This is the ID of the Customer in Magento that created the wish list.

  • Website Name: This is the name of the website associated with the Event.

  • Store Name: Refers to the name of the store where the wish list has been created.

  • Added At: The date the product was added to the wish list. The date format currently supported is Unix time.

  • Product ID: This is the ID of the product in Magento.

  • SKU: This is the Product Stock Keeping Unit, the unique alphanumeric code associated with the product.

  • Name: Refers to the name of the product in the wish list.

  • Product URL: Refers to the URL of the product associated with the Event.

  • Product Image URL: Refers to the URL of the image of the product associated with the Event.

  • Catalogue Price Amount: This is the price of the product in the catalogue. A number with decimals.

  • QTY: Refers to the quantity of the product added to the wish list. A number with decimals.

  • Currency Code: Refers to the three letter currency code of the items left in the cart. The currency code format is currently supported by ISO-4271, "SEK" or "DKK" for example.

Product Review

This Event is triggered when a customer leaves a product review and is confirmed by moderator. Here are the types of data associated with this Event:

  • Review ID: This is the ID of the product review in Magento.

  • Customer ID: This is the ID of user in Magento who left the product review.

  • Created At: The date the product review was created. The date format currently supported is Unix time.

  • WebsiteName: This is the name of the website associated with the Event.

  • StoreName: This is the name of the store associated with the Event.

  • Nickname: This is the nickname selected by the customer when they leave their product review.

  • ReviewTitle: This is the title of the product review.

  • ReviewDetail: Refers to the details of the product review.

  • ProductID: This is the ID of the product review.

  • SKU: This refers to the Product Stock Keeping Unit, the unique alphanumeric code associated with the product that has been reviewed.

  • Name: The name of the product that has been reviewed.

  • ProductURL: Refers to the URL of the product associated with the Event.

  • ProductImageURL: Refers to the URL of the image of the product associated with the Event.

  • ProductImageURL: Refers to the specific URL of the product image in the product review.

  • CataloguePriceAmount: This is the catalogue price of the product that has been reviewed. A number with decimals.

  • RatingStarValue: This refers to the number of stars the customer has given the product in the product review. The minimum star value is 1, and the maximum star value is 5.

Customer Becomes Subscriber

This Event is triggered when a customer becomes a subscriber. Here are the types of data associated with this Event:

  • SubscriberID: This is the ID of the subscriber.

  • CustomerID: This is the ID of the customer who has become a subscriber.

  • RegisterAt: Refers to the date that the subscription was created. The date format currently supported is Unix time.

  • WebsiteName: This is the name of the website associated with the Event.

  • StoreName: This is the name of the store associated with the Event.

Customer Login

This Event is triggered when a customer logs in to their account. Here are the types of data associated with this Event:

  • CustomerID: This is the ID of the customer who is logging into Magento.

  • LoginAt: Refers to the date that the customer logged in. The date format currently supported is Unix time.

  • LastLogoutAt: Refers to the date that the customer last logged out. The date format currently supported is Unix time.

  • LastVisitAt: Refers to the date that the customer last visited the website. The date format currently supported is Unix time.

  • WebsiteName: This is the name of the website associated with the Event.

  • StoreName: This is the name of the store associated with the Event.

Product Carted

This Event is triggered when a customer adds a product to their cart. Here are the types of data associated with this Event:

  • CartID: The ID of the cart in Magento.

  • CustomerID: This is the ID of the customer who is logging into Magento.

  • StoreName: The name of the store where the product was carted.

  • WebsiteName: The name of the website associated with the Event.

  • CurrencyCode: Refers to the three letter currency code of the items in the cart. The currency code format is currently supported by ISO-4271, "SEK" or "DKK" for example.

  • ProductID: This is the ID of the product in Magento.

  • SKU: The Product Stock Keeping Unit, the unique alphanumeric code associated with the product.

  • Name: Refers to the name of the product.

  • ProductURL: Refers to the URL of the product associated with the Event.

  • ProductImageURL: Refers to the URL of the image of the product associated with the Event.

  • QuantityOrdered: The quantity of the products carted. A number with decimals.

  • PriceAmount: Refers to the product price per unit. A number with decimals.

  • RowTotalAmount: If the customer carted more than one piece of this product, the total price for all pieces of the product carted. A number with decimals.

Common Events


This Event is triggered when a customer places an order. Here are the types of data associated with this Event:

  • OrderID: This is the ID of the order in Magento.

  • IncrementID: This is the increment ID of the order in Magento.

  • CustomerID: This is the ID of the customer in Magento. If the order is placed by a guest subscriber, the ID will be 0.

  • SubscriberID: This is the ID of the subscriber in Magento. If the order is placed by a customer, the ID will be 0.

  • IsGuest: A true or false, or Boolean Attribute. If the order is placed by a guest, the Attribute will be true false. The values are in lower case.

  • CreatedAt: Refers to the date the order was created. The date format currently supported is Unix time.

  • WebsiteName: This is the name of the website associated with the Event.

  • StoreName: This is the name of the store associated with the Event.

  • GrandTotalAmount: Refers to the grand total amount of the order placed. A number with decimals.

  • ShippingAmount: Refers to the cost of shipping in the order placed. A number with decimals.

  • DiscountAmount: The amount that was discounted from the order. A number with decimals.

  • ShippingMethodName: This is the name of the shipping method of the order placed.

  • PaymentMethodName: Refers to the method of payment the customer used to place the order.

  • ItemsCount: Refers to the number of products in the order.

  • CurrencyCode: Refers to the three letter currency code of the items left in the cart. The currency code format is currently supported by ISO-4271, "SEK" or "DKK" for example.

Order Product

This Event is triggered when a customer places an order, and contains information about individual product data. Here are the types of data associated with this Event:

  • Order ID: This is the ID of the order in Magento

  • Product ID: This is the ID of the product in Magento.

  • SKU: This refers to the Product Stock Keeping Unit, the unique alphanumeric code associated with the product that has been ordered.

  • Name: Refers to the name of the product that has been ordered.

  • ProductURL: Refers to the URL of the product associated with the Event.

  • ProductImageURL: Refers to the URL of the image of the product associated with the Event.

  • QTYOrdered: This is the quantity of the product ordered. A number with decimals.

  • PriceAmount: Refers to the price per unit of the product ordered. A number with decimals.

  • RowTotalAmount: If the customer carted more than one piece of this product, the total price for all pieces of the product carted. A number with decimals.

Subscriber Events

Subscriber Unsubscribes

This Event is triggered when a subscriber unsubscribes from Magento. Here are the types of data associated with this Event:

  • SubscriberID: This is the ID of the subscriber.

  • UnsubscribeAt: Refers to the date that the subscriber unsubscribed on Magento. The date format currently supported is Unix time.

  • WebsiteName: This is the name of the website associated with the Event.

  • StoreName: This is the name of the store associated with the Event.

Subscriber Registers as Customer

This Event is triggered when a subscriber registers as a customer. Here are the types of data associated with this Event.

  • SubscriberID: This is the ID of the subscriber who has registered as a customer.

  • CustomerID: This is the ID of the customer.

  • RegisterAt: Refers to the date that the subscriber registers as a customer. The date format currently supported is Unix time.

  • WebsiteName: This is the name of the website associated with the Event.

  • StoreName: This is the name of the store associated with the Event.

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